On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 10:24 AM, Brady Cottam <
brady.cot...@biofiredefense.com> wrote:

> Can anyone tell me if you can import data from Perforce into Subversion
> with any ease?
> Thanks
> Brady
*Data* is trivial. *History* especially older and contorted history as
projects got re-arranged or accidentally mislaid, or chunks re-arranged,
*that* can be hard. The tool you're looking for is called "p4tosvn", and
there have been many variants. One of the dirtier ones, that allows
scrubbing idle or no longer used hisstory, is at
https://matschaffer.com/2009/11/migrate-from-perforce-to-svn/. That
actually uses the built-in git tools to pull from p4, and to export to svn.
That gives you the chance, if you want it, to delete obsolete branches or
bulky unwanted binaries and get them out of hte history.

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