I have a Freepascal project I develop on both Windows and Linux.
I started in Windows and when I wanted to make a version for Linux I
checked out the Windows project to Linux.

Then I worked on the files over there.
The specific project files for linux were added in Linux and committed
to svn.
They can be viewed via the web interface in a browser so they are
definitely there.
Today I chose to go back to Windows and wanted to have the files from
the project in Linux too.
So I issued the command:
svn update
in the project dir on Windows.

Only a single file was retrieved and this was a common file used by
both the original project and the Linux project.
No sign of the Linux project files at all!

Aren't files added on a workstation and committed there supposed to be
retrieved when another workstation performs an update on the same

What can have gone wrong here?
What can I look for on either the Windows or Linux end?
I only use svn via the command line on both Windows and Linux.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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