I have a fully updated Ubuntu Server 18 LTS sitting in my home LAN 
acting as a subversion backup server for my company via svnsync.
It runs svn 1.9.7 as does the production server at the company.

So I have set it up with the same repositories as on the production
server (which is on Windows Server) and set these as read-only for
everyone except the svnsync user. They were locally populated via 
dump files moved from the company .
I have a nightly task on the production server, which runs svnsync
for each repository on it towards my backup server.
This has worked fine for 18 months now.

Now I would like to also use the Ubuntu server as a versioning server
for my own programming, but I don't know if that will interfere with
the backup server functionality my company depends on...

If I create a "Private" repository on this server and store my projects
in that repository, can it interfere with the backed up repos?
AFAIK you cannot write anything in a synced repository except via
svnsync or the backup system will break....

I am not very well informed about the inner workings of subversion
to make it absolutely certain that no damage will happen...

Best Regards, 

Bo Berglund 

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