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sebb wrote on Sat, 14 Dec 2019 09:23 +00:00:
> The document
> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.serverconfig.pathbasedauthz.html
> says:
> "The value of each option describes the user's level of access to the 
> repository path: either r (read-only) or rw (read/write)."
> However it's also possible to omit the value, which means no access.
> S.

I think that's not a bug.  You're quoting the introductory part of the
chapter, which is just that: an introduction, not a reference manual.
The «foo =» syntax is described later on, in the section about
overriding permissions (look for the example with "/bug-142/secret").

What change would you suggest?



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