On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 7:28 AM Attila Kinali <att...@kinali.ch> wrote:

> In the days of old, like several years back...
> When we had files that needed to be edited localy for each user/developer,
> we used to check them in normally, then set svn:ignore to ignore those
> files. This would result `svn commit` to ignore those files unless
> forced to by explicitly mentioning the filename (e.g., `svn commit
> ignoredfile`).
> Apparently this doesn't work anymore and svn commit happily still
> uses the ignored file and commits it... causing problems.

svn:ignore has never worked this way. The svn:ignore property only ignores
new unversioned files from being added. Perhaps you were using a GUI client
in the past that offered a feature like you describe? I doubt it would have
piggy-backed off the svn:ignore property though. More likely the GUI would
have added its own property.


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