Den tors 9 dec. 2021 kl 11:18 skrev Sebastian Weilhammer <>:

> Is that not what I'm doing by setting svn:auto-props to *= on the child
> node?

I have tried the following, I think this is matches what you are trying to
do. This is done using Subversion 1.14.1:
D:\Dev\test_trunk>mkdir X

D:\Dev\test_trunk>svn add X
A         X

D:\Dev\test_trunk>svn propset svn:auto-props "*=svn:needs-lock=*" X
property 'svn:auto-props' set on 'X'

D:\Dev\test_trunk>echo "xx" >X\xx

D:\Dev\test_trunk>svn add X\xx
A         X\xx

D:\Dev\test_trunk>mkdir X\Y

D:\Dev\test_trunk>svn add X\Y
A         X\Y

D:\Dev\test_trunk>echo "xy" >X\Y\xy

D:\Dev\test_trunk>svn add X\Y\xy
A         X\Y\xy

D:\Dev\test_trunk>svn proplist -vR X
Properties on 'X':

Properties on 'X\Y\xy':

Properties on 'X\xx':

So far nothing remarkable: the file X\xx got svn:needs-lock=* as expected.
X\Y\xy also got it, which shows that the svn:auto-props is recursive (as
indicated by Justin).

D:\Dev\test_trunk>svn propset svn:auto-props "*=svn:needs-lock=" X\Y
property 'svn:auto-props' set on 'X\Y'

D:\Dev\test_trunk>echo "xy2" >X\Y\xy2

D:\Dev\test_trunk>svn add X\Y\xy2
A         X\Y\xy2

D:\Dev\test_trunk>svn proplist -vR X
Properties on 'X':

Properties on 'X\Y':

Properties on 'X\Y\xy':
Properties on 'X\Y\xy2':
Properties on 'X\xx':


Now, I think what you are asking is why X\Y\xy2 gets svn:needs-lock and if
there is a way to avoid it? I think this is an interesting question and it
doesn't seem to be handled very well in my opinion. I *feel* that the
*=svn:needs-lock= should be handled as "don't set svn:needs-lock at all"
but as you say, svn:needs-lock doesn't require a specific value to apply,
which is probably why it is set on X\Y\xy2.

This might be a "by design" think, or it might be something that we can
consider to change.

I hope to find the time to look a little more closely during the holidays.

Kind regards,


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