Den tis 20 sep. 2022 kl 21:42 skrev Balaji, Yuvaraj via users <>:

> Hi,
> I was not able to commit the changes in one of my repository after
> merging.
> Kindly let me know how can make it work.
> It will take more time for Merging if I need to redo it again.
> Kindly let me know if you can help me on this.
> Please check the below screen shot.
This indicates a crash on the server side. apr_exit_why_e is an enum [see
1] where 2 seems to be "APR_PROC_SIGNAL", I guess this means something
killed the pre_commit process.

Can you check the logs and dump files on the server?

There is one previous mention of this in the archives:, however the user
never came back with a solution.

Kind regards,


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