Dear All,

I'd like to setup http traffic to be redirected to https on our svn server.
Redirection works all right in most of the cases, except when we have a
file-external with http in the url.
For file-externals, svn export works as expected (in the export log it is
visible that there was a redirection and the file is fetched).
However when trying to checkout a working copy, file-externals are not
downloaded, the log shows errors like this:

Redirecting to URL 'https://myserver/svn/myrepo/TestFolder/Project2/test.txt
Fetching external item into 'checkout_target\test.txt':
svn: warning: W200035: sqlite[S19]: NOT NULL constraint failed:

I found a similar bug report for folder-externals, which was fixed in SVN

 - the webserver should be setup to redirect http traffic to https. In my
case this is in the httpd config:

Listen "80" http
<VirtualHost *:80>
 UseCanonicalName off
 SSLEngine off
 RewriteEngine on
 RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}:443/$1 [R=301,L]

 - use this script to create a file external with http url, then run an
export (there should be no problem) and a checkout (file external should
fail with the above error)
 - assuming you have an empty TestFolder in SVN
 - create a batch file in an empty local folder and run it:

svn co https://myserver/svn/myrepo/TestFolder
cd TestFolder
md Project1
md Project2
echo "test file" > .\Project2\test.txt
svn add --force *
svn commit -m "commit test structure"
svn propset svn:externals "
http://myserver/svn/myrepo/TestFolder/Project2/test.txt test.txt" Project1
svn commit -m "added http external"
cd ..
svn export "http://myserver/svn/myrepo/TestFolder/Project1"; .\export_target
svn checkout "http://myserver/svn/myrepo/TestFolder/Project1";

- you can find the output of my test attached

Test environment:
 - Operating system is Windows 10 Home [10.0.19044]
 - I have tested with a fresh installation of VisualSVN server (5.1.3) with
no customisation, except enabling the http-https redirect
 - VisualSVN came with Subversion 1.14.2 client

Could you advise if this is a bug or I'm missing something?

Thanks and kind regards,

Pal Kovacs

Attachment: repro_test.log
Description: Binary data

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