On Tue, 9 May 2023 07:36:12 -0400, "Bo Berglund" <bo.bergl...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I am running a backup subversion server on an Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS SERVER.
>The subversion version is: 1.13.0 (r1867053)
>The subversion data are located in /var/lib/svn and it has caused the root
>file system to be all used up such that much don't work anymore like apt...
>The root partition is 30 GB and the svn data is about 18 GB of thatÂ…
>$ du -c -h -s /var/lib/svn/
>18G     /var/lib/svn/
>18G     total
>I need to fix this urgently and therefore I want to know how to go about it.
>Currently there is a spare partition on the disk which is currently mounted in 
>the /home tree:
>$ df -h
>/dev/nvme0n1p7   79G   56M   75G   1% /home/bosse/data
>In /etc/fstab it is mounted like this:
>#So far unused data partition on main drive (will not be visible across NFS 
>UUID=fb4a08b7-378e-42eb-9b7a-2c7b4f85cd06 /home/bosse/data ext4 nodev,nosuid  
>0 2
>Can I use this data drive by this sequence of commands:
>1) Stop the subversion service (how?)
>2) Move /var/lib/svn to the root of the so far unused data drive
>   sudo mv /var/lib/svn /home/bosse/data
>   thus freeing up the 18GB of data used by svn
>3) Edit the /etc/fstab entry such that it will mount the copied dir into 
>/var/lib as svn
>   UUID=fb4a08b7-378e-42eb-9b7a-2c7b4f85cd06 /var/lib/svn ext4 nodev,nosuid  0 
> 2
>   (Do I need to create the /var/lib/svn dir manually or will the mount make 
> it work?)
>4) Restart the subversion service

I fixed it by using the steps above:
1) sudo systemctl stop apache2
2) sudo mv /var/lib/svn/* /home/user/data
3) Fstab: UUID=fb4a08b7-378e-42eb-9b7a-2c7b4f85cd06 /var/lib/svn ext4
nodev,nosuid  0 2
4) sudo systemctl start apache2

Now the svn dir and below are on the other partition and the system behaves
normally with an 18GB margin for / being full.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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