Den tis 3 okt. 2023 kl 11:09 skrev <>:

> Hi Daniel,
> Thanks for the quick reply.
> Our repository is currently hosted on AWS EC2.
> To check the issue in other OS's, I have set up Ubuntu and MacOS 13
> virtual machines on my MacBook using UTM. I have not encountered any issues
> with the "svn update" and "svn checkout" commands while running them on
> both the Ubuntu and MacOS 13 virtual machines. However, when running these
> commands on my MacBook, which has the latest MacOS 14 version installed, I
> encounter some errors which I shared earlier
> I hope this info will help to debug issue

I saw you were using SmartSVN. Just to rule out any issues in this
software, have you tried the Subversion command line client? I'm no Mac
user myself but I understand there are several options available using
Fink, Homebrew or MacPorts, see

Can you catch the network traffic to see exactly what is sent to the
servern and the replies?

Kind regards,
Daniel Sahlberg

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