en tors 11 jan. 2024 kl 10:58 skrev <kiran.sm...@siliconbrains.co.in>:
>> Hello Andreas,
>>                Thank you for the reply. Could you please share the pricing 
>> details for Tortoise SVN as well.

Subversion *clients*, and servers, are available in most Linux
distributions as well. Actually running the server, helping your
company set up robust failover and backup services, and helping train
your personnel to use it effectively and efficiently..... that's what
skilled consultants are for. I'd also discourage you from hosting it
internally, rather than using a cloud hosted external service, unless
you can afford the time to maintain it.

If you're starting from scratch.... you should also look at "git" as
well, at https://github.com/ or other repositories. Even
https://sourceforge.com, which was once the go-to public Subversion
service, has been encouraging its users to migrate to git. Subversion
works well for environments with a "single source of truth" and a "no
one is allowed to work on their own without witnesses" approach to
source control, which I know a few old clients prefer. Unfortunately,
those mandatory commits are trivially staged locally with the
"git-svn" plugin, so it's become quite difficult to enforce.

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