Thanks brian, but i am assuming/hoping that the fix for issue 1844 allows me to do something a little more obvious.

if not, i'm sure to use your solution.


On 20/08/2012 9:16 PM, Bryan Lewis wrote:
Ah yes, the problem of not catching changes made by clicking on the little
calendar icon.  Here's a crude work-around I'm using in 5.2.6, catching the
click event.

     String scriptlet = "Event.observe('" + dateFieldId + "-trigger',
'click', function() { setChanged(true); });"

I wanted only to detect whether there'd been a change, to protect the user
from leaving the page without saving.  It's not perfect because the user
might click the icon without actually making a change, but for my needs
it's okay.

I left a to-do note to myself a couple of years ago, "The fix might be to
add an unload event on the form that checks whether any of the date values
changed," but I don't know if that still makes sense.

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 6:34 AM, Paul Stanton <> wrote:

I've just tried that too howard,

$("selectedDate").observe("**change", function(event)

However this is only fired when you type into the input field and the
click out (blur) .. not when a date is selected via the popup calendar...

I have stepped through the js code via firebug and can see that the jira
1844 patch is being executed, however my handler is never called...

if someone could give me a little working eg that would be great!


On 20/08/2012 4:56 PM, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:

Have you tried observing the change event? The onchange attr may get
overwritten by the date field JS.

On Sunday, August 19, 2012, Paul Stanton wrote:

  Hi all,
I've found the bug report:**
.. and am using tapestry 5.3.3 so the fix has been applied, however I
still can't get tapestry to call my 'onchange' handler.

<t:datefield value="dateValue" onchange="alert('here');" />

Is there some extra wiring required?

Thanks, Paul.

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