"Prior versions of Tapestry created cacheable URLs for Assets that incorporated the application version number. The Assets were served with a far-future expires header: the client browser would not even need to check to see if the asset had changed.

Unfortunately, when any asset changed in a new deployment of the application, the version number needed to change, resulting in all assets being downloaded (because the application version number in their URLs changed).

In this release, individual assets are given a URL containing a checksum based on the asset's content. When the underlying file is changed, the asset will be served with the new URL, but unchanged assets will not be affected. This means that when redeploying your application, you'll see far less asset traffic, as most client web browsers will already have most assets (whose contents have not changed) in their local cache."

^ Does this mean the application version number ("tapestry.application-version") is no longer important and doesn't need to be maintained?

Thanks, p.

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