I chose to go with approach I've seen done before. Common base and regional
forks as needed.

On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 3:39 PM, Adam X <vbgnm3c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What's the best approach for a single build of an app with global
> presence? I'm not asking for localisation, but subtle functional
> differences. Some examples are Address entity bean, which requires a state
> for some countries, but not for the others. Do I build separate Address
> bean for each region and deploy it based on execution mode? Or do I build a
> single bean that encapsulates the functionality of all regions and provide
> if-then logic based on deployment? Or is there a better, more Tapestrized
> solution?
> Note, that Address entity bean is the simplest example that comes off the
> top of my hat. There will be plenty of others. In some corporate
> environments I've seen inheritance based code base deployments where a
> generic code base would be built, and each region would be a sort of a fork
> of generic codebase. Perhaps that?
> Adam

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