
I'm not sure what you mean. As you say it is injected into your service constructor, so you already have access to it no? You can inject your service wherever you want (pages, components, other services, ...) which holds the configuration you contributed in your module class.

A simple example:

|public| |class| |MyAppModule {
|public| |static| |void| |contributeMyService(|||MappedConfiguration<String, String> configuration|) {|
|||configuration.add(||"first"||, "contribution");
||||    configuration.add(||"second"||, "contribution");|
|||    }

|public class| |MyService {

    private Map<String, String> config;
|public| |MyService||(Map<String, String> configuration) {|
|||config = configuration;||

    public String getConfigValue(String key) {
        return config.get(key);

|public class| |MyPage||{
    private MyService myService;

    public getFirstConfigValue() {
        return myService.getConfigValue("first");

On 03/09/15 19:44, Poggenpohl, Daniel wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to add some configuration to my self-implemented service. How do I 
access the configuration properties? I can add to the configuration, override 
it, and inject it per IOC into the constructor of the service.

But how do I access the configuration?

Daniel P.

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