React can in theory be used in all pages (globally). It will be like a core 
library for me, like jquery, underscore, bootstrap, etc. In TypeScript I am 
"compilerOptions": {
    "module": "amd".

I have written a service:
public void appendToModulePath(JSONObject cfg) {
    javaScriptSupport.addModuleConfigurationCallback(configuration -> {
        if (!configuration.has("paths")) {
            configuration.put("paths", cfg);
        } else {
        return configuration;

I am now calling this in my global <html t:type="layout", and adding paths like 
“leaflet”:”leaflet-src” on pages with a map.

Setting requirejs.config.paths globally should not load anything until loaded 
by require.
E.g: JS from a transpiled TypeScript with React: define(["require", "exports", 
"react", "react-dom"], function (require, exports, React, ReactDOM) {

I can try the Mixin technique, but still think Tapestry should have a way of 
contribute requirejs.config.paths.  You have a nice way contribute 
requirejs.config.shim which maybe could be modified to also accept paths. To 
support modern JS frameworks I think setting requirejs.config.paths in a nice 
way globally should be implemented.


From: Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo [via Apache Tapestry Mailing List Archives] 
Sent: fredag 24. november 2017 17.02
To: Svein-Erik Løken <>
Subject: Re: Contribute requirejs.config.paths to ModuleManager

On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 11:13 AM, Svein-Erik Løken <[hidden 
email]</user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=5733722&i=0>> wrote:


Trying to use TypeScript and React with Tapestry:
> In TypeScript I need to use:  import * as React from "react";
> I would like to load react: react.min, so I have to set paths: {...}
> The configuration should be set at startup, but I cannot figure how to do
> it. I can set requirejs.config.shim, but not paths.

Are you using React in all pages or just some of them?

> I tried to load it with @Contribute(ModuleManager.class), but could not
> figure out how.
> @Contribute(ModuleManager.class)
> public static void setupMyBaseModules(MappedConfiguration<String, Object>
> configuration) {
>     JSONObject pathsConfig = new JSONObject(
>             "react", "react.min",
>             "react-dom", "react-dom.min"
>     );
>     AMDResourceConfiguration paths = new AMDResourceConfiguration("paths",
> pathsConfig);
>     configuration.add(null, new JavaScriptModuleConfiguration(paths));
> }

MappedConfiguration, as far as I can remember, doesn't accept null as the
contribution id. Even if it does, it's a bad idea.

> Tried to load it this way:
> @Startup
> public void registerToClearPlasticProxyFactoryOnInvalidation(JavaScriptSupport
> javaScriptSupport) {
>     ModuleConfigurationCallback callback = new
>             ModuleConfigurationCallback() {
>                 @Override
>                 public JSONObject configure(JSONObject configuration) {
>                     configuration.put("paths",
>                             new JSONObject(
>                                     "react", "react.min",
>                                     "react-dom", "react-dom.min"
>                             ));
>                     return configuration;
>                 }
>             };
>     javaScriptSupport.addModuleConfigurationCallback(callback);
> }

> [ERROR] ioc.Registry org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.UnknownValueException:
> No object of type
> is available from the Environment.

I'm afraid this isn't the correct way of using
JavaScriptSupport.addModuleConfigurationCallback(). It should be used while
rendering a page or handling an event. The way you did it above, you're
trying to add JavaScript at application startup. You need to do this in
page or component classes.

> Now I am loading the configuration in @SetupRender, but it should be
> loaded globally.

Define "globally", please. All pages, including error ones? Most pages? The
better way of doing this is moving this code to a mixin and apply it to the
pages where you need React. If you want it in all pages, you can contribute
a ComponentClassTransformWorker2 to the service with the same name which
applies the mixin to all pages. See


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