On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 7:19 PM, Pratik Patel <pra...@semandex.net> wrote:

> Hello all,


Short answer: there's no built-in way of having just one page having one
infrastructure which is different from the others.

Something you can try to do is to write a MarkupRendererFilter which
removes the <script> elements added by Tapestry if the requested page is
the one you want with Angular and contribute it with the "after:*"
constraint to the MarkupRenderer service. If it doesn't work, try with
"before:*". For finding script elements, I recommend the tapestry-xpath
library, which allows you to query Tapestry DOM elements using XPath.

The contribution part, a method which would be included in your AppModule,
would look like this:

public void contributeMarkupRenderer(
            final OrderedConfiguration<MarkupRendererFilter> config) {
SpecificPageJSRemoverMarkupRendererFilter.class, "after:*");

And the MarkupRendererFilter implentation:
public class SpecificPageJSRemoverMarkupRendererFilter implements
MarkupRendererFilter {

    public void renderMarkup(MarkupWriter writer, MarkupRenderer renderer) {
                if (thisIsTheSpecialPage) {
                     Document document = writer.getDocumet(); // This is
the rendered HTML in the form of a tree of Element instances
                     // Use tapestry-xpath to find the <script> elements
                     // call element.remove() on them.

Please let me know whether this works.

> I have a tapestry application to which I want to add some distribution
> generated from an Angular app. So far, I am able to use Angular
> distribution in a .tml page and the page is rendered fine.
> Now, I want to add an existing tapestry component (a layout) to this new
> page. The problem is that when I add this component, I start getting errors
> because of conflict between Angular and prototype.js. They both have
> "bind()" method and the method from prototype.js "wins" over the other one
> and I get an error from Angular's js code which tries to use bind() method.
> As such, I am not using any prototype.js functionality in my new page but
> still the prototype library is loaded as it is part of tapestry core. I am
> thinking that disabling prototype on this new page would avoid conflict.
> After lot of exploration I found that I can probably
> http://tapestry.apache.org/current/apidocs/org/apache/
> This will allow me to switch from prototype to jQuery. However, I want to
> apply this change only on one page. Other pages of the app should still be
> using prototype.js. Is that possible to achieve? Is it possible to have
> more than one  JavaScriptModuleConfigurations (
> http://tapestry.apache.org/current/apidocs/org/apache/
> tapestry5/services/javascript/JavaScriptModuleConfiguration.html
> )
> and then apply them selectively so that one page has configuration without
> prototype and all others have the one with prototype? I am using tapestry
> 5.3.8 and I can upgrade to 5.4.x if it is possible to achieve what is
> mentioned above?
> Or is there any other way to achieve this? Is it possible to somehow
> prevent prototype from being loaded for a specific tapestry page? I would
> really appreciate any help on this issue as it is very crucial for us.
> Thanks,
> Pratik


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