 <t:eventlink t:event="changeRelation" t:async="true" 
t:context="list:account.get('test').userUuid, friend"> Change Relation 

square brackets doesn't work for me either.  not sure why list: is not 

From: D. R. []
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 10:48 AM
Subject: eventlink with multiple context parameters

Hi @all,

I am confused about calling a java method with an eventlink and multiple
context parameters:
t:context="[account.get('test').userUuid, friend]" does not work, see
below please.

Following stuff is in my Java class:

@Property(write = false)
private final String friend = "friend";
public AbstractMap<String, UserAccount> getAccount() {
     UserAccount userAcc = userAccounts.get(loopContactIndex);
     AbstractMap<String, UserAccount> test = new HashMap<String,
     test.put("test", userAcc);
     return test;

void onChangeRelation(final String uuid, final String relation) {
     // no chance to come inside here...

void onForget(final String uuid) {
        // everything ok here...

It is no problem to call "onForget" with this eventlink:
     <t:eventlink t:event="forget" t:async="true"
t:context="account.get('test').userUuid"> Forget </t:eventlink>

But if I try to call an eventlink like:
     <t:eventlink t:event="changeRelation" t:async="true"
t:context="[account.get('test').userUuid, friend]"> Change Relation

then I get following exception:

Exception assembling root component of page profile/User: Exception
assembling embedded component 'usercontactlist' (of type
com.myapp.t5.components.profile.UserContactList, within profile/User):
Could not convert '[account.get('test').userUuid, friend]' into a
component parameter binding: Exception generating conduit for expression
'[account.get('test').userUuid, friend]': Class java.lang.Object does
not contain a property (or public field) named 'userUuid'.

Now I tried this eventlink:
     <t:eventlink t:event="changeRelation" t:async="true"
t:context="[${account.get('test').userUuid}, friend]"> Change Relation
And the page loads successful.

But a click on this eventlink, calls the wrong method with only one
parameter which is converted to java.lang.String:

void onChangeRelation(final Object param) {
     System.out.println(param.getClass().getName() + ": " + param);

Console --> java.lang.String: [018260e7-844c-44a5-aefc-12faa80de42c, friend]

means t:context="[${account.get('test').userUuid}, friend]" is
interpreted as a String.

if I remove the Map and return UserAccount directly in "getAccount()"
the code works great:
     <t:eventlink t:event="changeRelation" t:async="true"
t:context="[account.userUuid, friend]"> Change Relation </t:eventlink>

Furthermore I tried to replace the AbstractMap with Optional class:
     <t:eventlink t:event="changeRelation" t:async="true"
t:context="[account.get().userUuid, friend]"> Change Relation </t:eventlink>

With this I get the same exception:

Exception assembling root component of page profile/User: Exception
assembling embedded component 'usercontactlist' (of type
com.myapp.t5.components.profile.UserContactList, within profile/User):
Could not convert '[account.get().userUuid, friend]' into a component
parameter binding: Exception generating conduit for expression
'[account.get().userUuid, friend]': Class java.lang.Object does not
contain a property (or public field) named 'userUuid'.

Why the second level is treated as Object, if i want to get a value in
the third level?
(i know, we could solve that by providing another getter in the java
class, but this violates "code less, deliver more" :-)
Why does this occur only in case of an eventlink with multiple parameters?
What i am doing wrong?

Thanks for help!

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