could you help to describe what have you done? such as provide your
server.xml and your database structure esp app_user and user_role tables

On 10/28/05, Vicente Couto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to configure a JDBC realm for request users authentication and
> i'm using netbeans 4.1.
> I follow the tomcat docs, and when i use a "memory realm" everything works
> fine.
> But when i put the JDBC realm in server.xml file tomcat throws a lot of
> exceptions, and ask for tomcat manager user and password (?) and nothing
> happens.
> If i try to estabilish just a JDBC connection through netbeans, using the
> same JDBC driver, i have got connected to database.
> I'm using firebird as database.
> Anyone can give me some help?
> Best regards

Vedanta Ulises

-- The Beginning of knowledge is
the discovery of something we do not understand
--Frank Herber(1920-1986)--

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