It turns out that I was issuing the sendError without immediately returning. 
After reading the documentation it states that no more output should be sent 
after calling this method. My code was continuing with output that was causing 
the ISE. Thanks for the response.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/4/2005 2:49:10 pm >>>
A guess without seeing the stack trace but I suspect that some of your 
response has been committed before you issue the redirect. This will 
cause an ISE to be thrown. See SRV.15.5


> Anyone run across this before?
> I created a servlet which has JDBC calls in it. As part of error catching, I 
> have a response.sendError called if there is no data returned from a table 
> call. I input to the sendError method the value of 700 (my custom error 
> number) and a test message. I have a custome error page created to output a 
> customized error message for this 700 error code. It was working fine in a 
> web app, but when I switched it to a production app, I got an internal server 
> error. The logs showed an IllegalStateException was created. Any ideas?
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