
I'm trying to learn authentication and authorization within a web application,
and I think I know the basic stuff an maybe a bit more.
I just read the Tomcat howto guide on realm, and especially data source realm.

But I think their data base example is a bit strange. They have a table
user_roles that consists of a user_name and a role_name. The odd thing is,
these fields are not foreign keys, but varchars! This is really not good
database design. What if I for some reason want to change a username? I should
only have to change the username field in the users table.
The same thing goes with the rolename, although a changed rolename would a
demand a change in the authorization code within the web application, but as
far as the database is concerned I should only have to make the change in a
single table.

I would like something like this:

create table users (
  user_id           int not null primary key,
  user_name         varchar(15) not null,
  user_pass         varchar(15) not null,

create table roles (
  role_id           int not null primary key,
  role_name         varchar(15) not null,

create table user_roles (
  user_roles_id     int not null primary key,
  user_id           int not null,
  role_id           int not null,

Is this possible? I still want to use the built in authentication and
If it is possible, how do I configure it in tomcat?



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