On 11/25/05, Jeff Brewer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I create a WAR file containing my index.html page (and my test JSF 
> "project" pages and classes and xml files) then upload that WAR file to my 
> server and wait for a few minutes my WAR file is expanded into a new 
> sub-directory with the same name as my WAR file, which we'll call "mywarfile" 
> for the sake of the example. When I open my browser and go to 
> www.mydomain.com there is nothing there becuase my index.html file now exists 
> in a subdirectory called mywarfile. If I go to www.mydomain.com/mywarfile I 
> can see my index.html page.

A quick look at their FAQ says that your home directory is already
configured to "be" a webapp.  (They talk about a WEB-INF folder *in*
your home directory.)  My guess is that you will not be able to deploy
a .war as your root webapp, because it will always expand into a

Fortunately, a .war file is nothing special, it's just a bunch of
files in a particular directory structure zipped up for convenience. 
Once you've built your webapp, simply use your favorite zip/jar
program (WinZip, or 'jar' at the command line:  jar xvf filename.war)
to unzip your .war file into a temp directory, then FTP those files up
to your home directory.

Start here and click on the 'related' links, there's plenty of information:

And feel free to ask again if you have any questions.  I only know
what I found on the website, which may not be correct for your
particular situation.


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