Security constraints are only imposed on the incoming URL.

Long story short - you'll need to place the entire webapp in SSL. There is no clean way to use declarative statements to force the login to be SSL and the rest of the webapp be nonssl.


Klotz Jr, Dennis wrote:

Hello all. I hope your day is going well.

I need your help.

I cannot get a forms based login page to use SSL when I think I've setup
the web.xml correctly.
Why doesn't my login.jsp use HTTPS when tomcat is invoking it for
authorization? (more details at the bottom)

Here are the relevant sections of my web.xml:


      <web-resource-name>Login page</web-resource-name>

    <!--   Enable this for SSL -->



  <!-- ======================================= -->

  <!-- Form authentaication requires SSL -->

      <web-resource-name>VoIP Monitor Applications</web-resource-name>


    <!--   Enable this for SSL -->




So here is what happens. I type the full URL to the CallQAnalsysis.jsp
(for example) and the login.jsp is invoked BUT it has NOT been
redirected to the HTTPS connector (which is enabled and working).

Now if I type the address of the login.jsp directly, then the connection
is redirected over HTTPS.
Why doesn't the login.jsp use HTTPS when tomcat is invoking it for

Any help figuring out what I am doing wrong is greatly appreciated.

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