Thanks very much Chuck!  That did indeed fix my problem.  I have a
couple of related questions though...

> >
> > This worked fine for me in 5.5.7 (on many machines).
> But it shouldn't have.  I suspect this was one of the bugs fixed between
> .7 and .12, where the documented rules are more tightly enforced.

I agree, but the best documentation I could find on this was:

...and there's nothing in that document that would lead me to try what
you suggested, even reading now knowing that is the solution.  In
addition, there is that spot (directly quoted in my first email, but
I'll paraphrase here) that first says "don't put context elements in
your server.xml file" then says "context elements for the default
context must go in your server.xml file" and then says "you must
provide a default context".  I don't see how all three statements can
be true, and yet that is all I had to go off of.  Where are you
getting documentation that more accurately explains the context setup,
and led you to the solution you provided?


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