I think the issue Scott is getting caught up on is the same issue I have
been having for the last week:

Using APR + SSL with anything but a self signed certificate isn't
clearly defined as of yet.

Scott, my recommendation to you at this point is to uninstall tomcat,
and then reinstall it making sure to NOT check the "native" checkbox
when given installation options. This will install tomcat without the
APR connector and the steps listed on Verisign (and on the tomcat site)
using java keytores will work fine.

I know Carl and Dhaval have been giving awesome information about how to
generate csrs/keystores etc. but none of us (including me) has a rock
solid example using an actual verisign certificate that they have set up
and have running right now in production using APR. (Remy?) I think that
using OpenSSL for generating the private key/csr will end up being the
"way it's done" because of the difference between RSA and PKCS8 private
key encodings. (OpenSSL vs java keystore default encodings)

If any of you have actually used a verisign (NOT a self signed OpenSSL
certificate from
http://www.fatofthelan.com/articles/articles.php?pid=12.) with APR+SSL
please post the exact steps you used from generating the primary key/csr
file down to the connector you used. We would also like to know exactly
what encoding the primary key/cert is in because as I found out this
week, PEM is different if you are using OpenSSL vs JSSE. =P

I will be getting a verisign certificate early this week to try out some
things I discovered over the weekend involving some un-documented APR
params that are part of mod_ssl that may be the missing link
(SSLCACertificateFile attribute ;).

I think part of the issue with APR + verisign certificates is the
location for the trusted CA certificates. How does one point the APR
connector so that it trusts the verisign root CA cert(s) (the APR
doesn't use the cacerts java keystore... Where is it getting it's list
of trusted CAs?) The mod_ssl doc points to the attribute
SSLCACertificateFile for giving it a list of trusted CAs.


But it's not listed on the APR page under the SSL section. After
checking out the source code, it looks like this attribute is
"supported" just not documented so I decided to try it out using my self
signed certificate as the CA certificate.

Using my self-signed server.crt, I copied it and renamed it to ca.crt
(it can be it's own ca, since it's self signed ;)

    <Connector port="443" 

No errors were thrown and I was indeed prompted for a client
certificate. I can experiment with this a bit more later on this week
but for now I am recommending to our company to hold off on the APR
connector under windows until the APR+SSL thing is ironed out a bit

Guess I get to go uninstall/re-install tomcat(without the APR connector)
on our test server bright and early tommorrow morning. Thanks to Carl,
Dhaval and Remey for all their input this week... I know I have learned
a lot and have hopefully thrown out some something informative. I know
we can get it figured out, I just have a few other projects I put off
towards the end of last week that need to get done before wed but I will
still try to monitor the SSL threads.


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