I can try tuning this on the servers. But as I told in my first email, this 
wierd problem started happening only after migrating to Tomcat 5.5. So if these 
were to create a problem, I should have faced it in 4.0.6 also - Right.


On Thu, 08 Dec 2005 Mladen Turk wrote :
>Raja Neravati wrote:
>Remove this directive.
>><Connector port="8009" enableLookups="false"  protocol="AJP/1.3"
>>minSpareThreads="100" maxThreads="300" maxSpareThreads="80" acceptCount="60" 
>>debug="0" connectionTimeout="-1" />
>maxThreads should be equal to MaxClients in httpd.conf. If it's smaller
>then set connectionTimeout="60000" and add:
>The later would be recomended if you have firewall between mod_jk
>and Tomcat.
>And of course, use the latest stable mod_jk (1.2.15)
>If you look at the:
>You will see that couple of things were fixed since 1.2.10 :)
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