
You can specify an address/port configuration per connector (yes you can
have multiple) for a single service.


<Connector address="" port="80" />
<Connector address="" port="80" />
<Connector address="" port="80" />

As long as each BIND event for that service is unique per connector (on an
address/port basis) you are fine.

Remember that all Hosts within that Engine/Service will be accessible on all
the addresses/ports listened on in that Service.



-----Original Message-----
From: Vinny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 09 December 2005 15:07
To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: Why only one Connector per Service?

I am curious as to the reason there is only one connector for each service?
I have a machine with 3 IP addresses. 1 IP is being used by another program
running on port 80. That leaves me with 2 IPs that I can use for tomcat. The
standalone virtual host method that I have used in the past seems to assume
that tomcat will have exclusive use of and that is obviously not
the case in my situation. I've seen solutions that entail using multple
<Service/> in the server.xml. Another solution would be to use a different
tomcat instance on each port. Are these the only options available for a
standalone tomcat config?

tomcat 5.5.12
jdk 1.5

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