> From: Darren Holloway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: JSP/Servlet runs even when webapp undeployed
> However, if I undeploy the web-app, it continues to run.  If I deploy 
> another version of the web-app, it still uses the original one.

A few things to try:

1) Take httpd out of the picture, just to make things simpler.  Test
using Tomcat's http port (usually 8080).  Once you find and fix the
problem, verify that operation through Apache is also corrected.

2) Look around for a <Context> tag for your webapp that has a docBase
attribute pointing to somewhere other than Tomcat's webapps directory.
This can be in META-INF/context.xml in the app's .war file or directory,
in conf/Catalina/<host_name>/<app_name>.xml, or in conf/server.xml
(which shouldn't be used these days).  Your app may be getting deployed
multiple times under different names if there's more than one <Context>
tag for it.

3) Look around for the compiled JSP class, and get rid of it if found.
Your undeploy mechanism should have done this for you.  (What are you
using to undeploy?)

 - Chuck

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