--- Andre Van Klaveren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Like Bruce said, you can define a DataSource as part
> of your
> application's context.  It's the same format as the
> context definition
> in server.xml except it's deployed with your
> application as an XML
> file (context.xml) inside the META-INF directory of
> the WAR.
> Here's a link to explain how to do it:
> They don't go into using context.xml but the same
> instructions can be
> applied to using the context.xml.
> On 12/26/05, Legolas Woodland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hi
> > Thank you for reading my post.
> > Is it possible to make a data-source without admin
> console ?
> > I mean by defining the data-source in web.xml or
> in Context.xml (i think
> > i read somewhere that we could put context.xml
> into meta-inf folder and
> > it will act like Context definition in admin
> console).
> >
> > is it mandatory that Tomcat shared library folder
> contain my database
> > jdbc driver to have data-source ?
> > I mean can we bundle , our JDBC driver inside war
> file and define the
> > data-source in war file too ?
Some drivers will need to be placed in the endorsed
folder as they will end up loading native libraries
which can access other code.  I'm not sure where the
security file you would need to edit to not make this
a requirement is if one even exists.  My experience
with the MS SQL (not MySQL) driver is it needs to be
in this directory to work.  You can change the
location of this directory using switches if you need
it to be some where else for file and drive setup


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