On Tuesday, 10 בJanuary 2006 02:35, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
> > From: Sriram Narayanan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: Re: Apache + Tomcat, Tomcat only handles JSP in localhost
> >
> > The link he gave talks about how to have PHP etc along side Tomcat.
> PHP can be fairly easily used with Tomcat standalone:
> http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/UsingPhp
> So, I repeat:  What "full-fledged" features do you think are missing
> from Tomcat?

The most important reason that I use an Apache frontend for tomcat, 
which is probably not relevant to the original poster, is that under 
Unix only root processes can open port 80 (the default HTTP port), and 
so if tomcat is configured to serve pages on port 80, it must run as 
This is a serious security concern. Apache knows how to open port 80 and 
then change to a non-privileged user, something which AFAIK tomcat - 
being based on Java which does not support the concept of operating 
system privileges - cannot do.

There for, some kind of frontend is required. While we are in the 
process of providing a frontend, it might as well be Apache which 
offers additional features: reverse-proxying and caching and support 
for a huge number of scripting languages (python, perl or ruby 
anyone ?) and other modules. 

Also - the tomcat support for PHP is really nice and I am planning on 
trying it out ASAP, but I prefer not to do hacks on production 
machines, and Apache support for PHP is better integrated and is 
offered as part of my base operating system - including support for 
compiled pages, code caches and PHP debugging.


Ability is nothing without opportunity.
        -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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