Tim Funk wrote:
You cannot add a doPut() to your servlet and excpect it to work. But in your JSP, you can do this:

// The following worked fine with tomcat 5.0.28 (plus unrelated patches)
if("PUT".equals(request.getMethod()) {
  /*put code*/
} else {
  /*not put code*/

JSP's declare Servlet.service() as final. Then they call _jspService() (which is created during JSP compilation). So doYYY() is never called.


Well, I still agree about the method override... but as I test it now, I still get a 403 response, even if I intercept and dispatch PUT from inside the _jspService method... and it stands to reason that the request isn't even making it to the JSP's service method, if a 403 is being returned.. So something else is causing this behavior it seems. Perhaps tomcat 5 outright prohibits PUT and other methods from even getting to _jspService (or JspServlet in general)?? This wasn't the case in tomcat 4; it did allow me to do this..


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