On 1/14/06, Thom Hehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wanted to run this by the list before turning this in as a bug.
> I'm running the following servlet fragment...
>     public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
>                       HttpServletResponse response)
>       throws IOException, ServletException
>     {
>         File path=new File("./");
>         System.out.println(path.getAbsolutePath());
> When I run this under windows, the path points to the Tomcat5.5, which
> is where tomcat is installed. When I run this under Redhat Linux, it
> points to the webapps directory under the tomcat directory.  Is there
> anyone that doesn't think this is broken?

Me. :)  The only thing the Servlet container is required to do for you
is provide a temporary working directory.  Servlet 2.4 Specification:
"SRV.3.7.1 Temporary Working Directories
A temporary storage directory is required for each servlet context. Servlet
containers must provide a private temporary directory for each servlet
context, and
make it available via the javax.servlet.context.tempdir context attribute. The
objects associated with the attribute must be of type java.io.File."

Depending on what you're going to do with the File, if the temporary
directory won't work, several things may be more appropriate.  A
database, or configuring a context param with a known good location to
which the user running Tomcat has permission to write, for example.


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