Davide Romanini wrote:

I think this is serious: hot deployment becomes totally useless and you
have to restart tomcat each time you deploy a new version :-(

I agree, and from what I understand of the problem there is not a whole lot that can be done at the Tomcat level, it appears to be down to the JVM itself. For example, a collegue has experienced a similar problem in WebLogic. I run Tomcat 5.0.28 in Sun's HotSpot Client VM 1.4.2_09. I wonder if other JVM implementations with presumably different GC implementations suffer this problem as well?

<rant>I've always hated the Singleton pattern and it's overuse. To me it's use seems like a bad OO design. I do not use the singleton in my designs, but I've been stung by "singleton hell" because of, IMHO, poorly designed support libraries that rely far to heavily on the use of singletons.</rant> (I feel a little less frustrated with this problem now!).

Kind regards,

Mike Fowler
Registered Linux user: 379787

"I could be a genius if I just put my mind to it, and I,
I could do anything, if only I could get 'round to it"
-PULP 'Glory Days'

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