If you can make Tomcat better that would be great. But I would recommend you not be too dismissive about the improvements Microsoft has made to web development. You should really take a look at ASP.NET and the development tools Microsoft offers before you dismiss them as "Creature Comforts". As I mentioned in my original post, Microsoft's "Web Developer Express" is free and, in my opinion, it's a Big Wow. Be sure to look at the accompanying (free) video tutorial series. For me, what Microsoft has done was enough to make me throw in the towel after 8+ years in Java, which I've found to be a little depressing and exciting at the same time.
Tony LaPaso

----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Schilling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:37 PM
Subject: Features comparisons for Tomcat (was Re: From Java to C#, ASP.NET [Off Topic])

It's kind of nice to see this discussion on this board, because it can serve as a way for Tomcat developers to think about what features really help and what features don't. I'm going to avoid M$ bashing cause it's not productive, but I think it's wise to look at the effect "creature features" have on product popularity and take note.

My goal in continuing this thread under a new topic is to foster discussion about valuable Tomcat features. Hopefully it will spark some ideas about how to improve the popularity and appeal of Tomcat. I'll start with a short list of one relevant item. I encourage anyone to add to this, but please use the following format:


SUMMARY: description of the feature/issue

RELEVANT INFORMATION: additional information

IMPARCTED TOMCAT FEATURES: how Tomcat might be affected.



SUMMARY: Some believe that the Microsoft web development experience is "truely more pleasant" than that of Java, and the often cite the number of people who have switched from Java to .NET platforms becuase of the percieved differences in ease of use.

RELAVENT INFORMATION: On one hand, some people maintain that Tomcat is quite easy to use because starting and stopping the server requires the typing of a single command line. The counter argument to this claim is that a measure of "ease of use" should include all aspects of application development, deployment, and maintenance. For the purposes of discussion, "ease of use" for the Java platform and related Tomcat applications need to be clarified. Since Tomcat is built for the Java platform, we can view Tomcat "ease of use" as an extension of the concept of Java Platform "ease of use." This will allow us to compare the overall Tomcat development experience with that of the "Microsoft development experience." Unlike Microsoft development tools, which require the use of an IDE for efficient developemnt, the Java platform and related products (e.g. Tomcat server) make the use of IDE strictly optional. Consequently, a comparison between "Java development" and ".NET development" experiences cannot effectively be made by focusing on the steps required to build and compile a program. On the Java platform, the use of IDEs are strictly optional. Comparisons made between Microsoft IDEs and othe IDEs would more appropriately be restricted to the IDEs themselves, and not the platform. The fact that Microsoft has required the use of it's Visual Studio application to build and deploy application on the .NET platform complicates comparisons. The Microsoft development platform typically integrates the development tool with the server so that the developer "clicks to deploy". This feature is not unique to Microsoft products, however. For example, Netbeans IDE integrates with Tomcat and provides many similar features to the Microsoft product set. This indicates the percieved differences in "ease of use" for may be an issue of user awareness about the available IDEs. While some prefer interacting with a development tool that requires less technical knowledge, others argue that such tools allow more room for less competent developers which can drastically reduce the overall quality of the end product. Furthermore, with the Java Development platform, the clear dilenation between the Java Runtime Environment, the Java Software Development Kit, and the optional IDEs give developers greater flexibility in building code, and the option to only install the development tools necessary. This capability is especially popular among those who are skilled in the development of applications using simple text editors, such as vi. Such developers argue that requiring the use of an IDE simply means more desktop software maintenance and upgrade issues.

IMPACTED TOMCAT FEATURES: Maintainers of the tomcat platform so far appear to be finding a balance betwen developers with higher technical competencies and those who lean toward "creature features." By providing a well published deployment interface and open source implementation, the Tomcat team leaves open the opportunity for integrated IDE development by others. Continuing to pursue this strategy will most likely ensure that a) the Tomcat development team retains flexibility down the road; and, b) gives competitors the opportunity to expend resources on features in their own products that don't ultimately increase sales for their product; and, c) caters to the development community with a higher degree of technical skill, which can produce web based application of higher quality.

SUGGESTIONS FOR ADDRESSING THE FEATURE: Percieved differences in "ease of use" may be addressed through traditional advertising and a comprehensive marketing plan.

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