Sorry if my question is not clear.
I can't find an explanation by myself (and internet pages).

I have an HttpSessionListener that register the session in a Vector in sessionCreated() and removes the sessions in sessionDestroyed().
Another jsp page display this Vector.
After some navigation inside the site I have more than one session binded to the same client (same browser, same IP, and same session from the point of view of the client).

This behaviour is correct? Why I don't have only one session?

After some try I put an error (inside a try/catch) inside the sessionCreated() method, I'd like to find the part of my code that requests the creation of the session, the first call to getSession() if I understand correctly the documentation. After the browsing of the index page I can see in the log file the stack trace.
In the stack there is no sign of some class of mine.

Last question: this is my implementation of the <html> tag:
   public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
       HttpSession sessione = req.getSession(false);
           Logger.getLogger("it.aspix.debug").fine("session creation");

the message never appers in the log file.

Thanks in advance
Edoardo Panfili

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