There is no guarantee regarding the start order of webapps. This is primarily due to the threaded nature of tomcat. Your best bet is to have the dependent webapp(s) intelligently handle the case where the first one isn't available yet. It'll make for a much more robust and scaleable design.


LE CALVE, Laurent wrote:

I have 3 different .war files to deploy under Tomcat 5.5 I deploy under Tomcat (under webapps) these 3 files with Eclipse 3.2 and the order they start under Tomcat is very important for me because they communicate between them with WebServices. When Tomcat starts, I want that Tomcat deploy and start first file1.war then file2.war and finally file3.war. At the moment, I don't understand the deployment stategy of Tomcat. Some time it starts file1.war and some times file2.war !!! Is there anybody here who have some information about it ? Thanks

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