Glen Mazza wrote:

And another is to define the error page in your web.xml:


I would save these for generic HTTP error codes, or generic Java exceptions (NullPointerErrors, ClassCastExceptions, perhaps), things are more likely the result of errors in coding than in user entry, and something the user cannot really recover from.

Also, the JSTL <c:catch var="..."/> action may be something to look at here, to keep runtime/coding errors handled within the JSP pages, without needing to forward to a generic error page.

Yeah, I am looking to handle all errors that aren't currently handled in code. Imagine you have 400 JSPs some of which occassionally throw Exceptions, but do not use try/catch blocks or the errorPage directive. That is my current situation. I am hoping there is a way to capture the exceptions being thrown without having to change all 400 or so pages.

Thanks -


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