On Thursday, 9 בFebruary 2006 16:30, Boris Unckel wrote:
> > Guys, how can I setup log4j with a context specific configuration
> > file ?
> >
> > In the past I used to put a global log4j configuration in the
> > system classpath for the tomcat, but that is no longer appropriate
> > in my current setup.
> Hi,
> remove any log4j.jar and log4j.properties from your global
> classpathes (system classpath, common, shared).
> Put a log4j.jar and log4j.properties in each WEB-INF/lib (jar) and
> WEB-INF/classes (properties) with the correspondent config.


I figured that something like that would work, but for some non-related 
issues, I rather not have a classes directory. Is there a way to have a 
log4j configuration available to the web app w/o putting it in the 
classes dir or in a jar file ? maybe someway to setup the context.xml 
to point to a log4j configuration directly in WEB-INF ?


The essential ideas of Algol 68 were that the whole language should be 
precisely defined and that all the pieces should fit together smoothly. 
The basic idea behind Pascal was that it didn't matter how vague the 
language specification was (it took *years* to clarify) or how many 
rough edges there were, as long as the CDC Pascal compiler was fast.
        -- Richard A. O'Keefe

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