Am Mittwoch, den 01.03.2006, 08:40 +0100 schrieb Leucht, Axel:
> Hi,
> I'm currently trying to protect a tomcat web-app via LDAP. This application 
> handled the protection against a LDAP server with a customized login 
> procedure before. As there is now some more sensible content in the web-app, 
> I wanted to protect the entire web-app by tomcat. Therefore I inserted a 
> JNDIRealm into the context:
>       <Realm   className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm" debug="99"
>               connectionURL="ldap://gssun001:389";
>               userBase="ou=LDAPusers,dc=prodv"
>               userSearch="(cn={0})"
>               roleBase="ou=LDAPusers,dc=prodv"
>               roleName="(cn={0})"
>               roleSearch="(userPassword={0})"
>       /> 
I think you will want to change roleSearch into something like 
roleSearch="(member={0})" and roleBase to ou=LDAPgroups,dc=prodv. A role
can than be represented as a ldap group which is placed in
ou=LDAPgroups,dc=prodv. If you create a ldap group with
cn=manager,ou=LDAPgroups,dc=prodv which has
member=cn=gast,ou=LDAPusers,dc=prodv, your user gast should get tomcat
role manager.

Please read

> So, when I try to access the web-app the login.html is displayed as accepted. 
> When I give credentials that are stored in the LDAP server, the following 
> appears in the log:
>       Searching for gast
>       base: ou=LDAPusers,dc=prodv  filter: (cn=gast)
>       entry found for gast with dn cn=gast,ou=LDAPusers,dc=prodv
>       validating credentials by binding as the user
>       binding as cn=gast,ou=LDAPusers,dc=prodv
>       Username gast successfully authenticated
>       getRoles(cn=gast,ou=LDAPusers,dc=prodv)
>       Searching role base 'ou=LDAPusers,dc=prodv' for attribute '(cn={0})'
>       With filter expression '(userPassword=cn=gast,ou=LDAPusers,dc=prodv)'
Tomcat tells you, that it is searching for ldap objects which pass the
filter '(userPassword=cn=gast,ou=LDAPusers,dc=prodv)'. This is most
probably not what you want.


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