create a folder ${catalina.home}\context  (I use "context" but anything
works as long as the name does NOT start with webapps (see bug in bugzilla),
eg "webapps2" will NOT work.

expand your war into this folder, NOT to webapps/

copy your context file into conf/catalina/localhost (or whatever your host

rename it to something like "foobar.xml" -- foobar is your contaxt path
in the xml you will have docBase="${catalina.home}/context/foo-1.2.0"

start tomcat, voila!

if you want your context path to be something like "foo/bar" then name your
xml "foo#bar.xml" instead

path="" is an illegal attribute in context files except when your context is
defined within server.xml (not recommeded in tomcat5.5) -- see TFM


On 24/03/06, Chris Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Trying to figure out how to change the context path for a WAR file install
> in the webapps dir (Tomcat 5.5.16); for example:
> webapps/foo-1.2.0.war
> expanded into a folder of the same name (minus the .war).  So far,
> so
> good - this is as expected.  However, the context path is now set to /foo-
> 1.2.0 - how can I setup Tomcat so the context path for this application is
> '/foo', regardless of the WAR name?
> I've tried the META-INF/context.xml - setting path="/foo", with no luck -
> the only URL that works is /foo- 1.2.0.
> Thanks,
> Chris.

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