wow! you guys sound pretty harsh when it comes to messages to help users on simple mistakes then. I recently dropped in someone else's example app war file that had the SAME PROBLEM.....latest facelets. I could not even give back information to help them debug the problem. It was standard tomcat 5.5.16. It worked on 5.0 just fine. I now know that I need to unzip their war file, remove log4j(and maybe even hope that they are using commons, because if they are not, I may be utterly screwed). Then I need to redeploy their app. I need to do all this because tomcat is unwilling to give good helpful messages as to what is going on(as seen by all the other posts that have had trouble figuring out their problems behind that error with no reponses either.....I was the lucky one and finally figured out what was wrong). I can only hope others can find my solution post without wasting too much time.

Remy Maucherat wrote:

On 3/30/06, Markus Schönhaber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The RuntimeException is to make it more noticeable in the logs.   I mean
953 hits on googling is quite alot of people having trouble.  Would be
nice to cut that number down with an easy log statement that tomcat
could add!!!
Well, if it's really that easy you should definitely provide a patch.

I recommend not wasting time, as I would refuse such a nonsensical
patch. The actual worakround is to learn how to properly use logging,
which seems to be a useful skill.

Rémy Maucherat
Developer & Consultant
JBoss Inc

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