I was trying to build Apache Tomcat 5.5 Servelet for another application. I 
followed the steps from the link: 
I have done the following:

1.       Installed JDK1.6

2.       Download and installed Apache Ant 1.8.4

3.       Download Tomcat 5.5 source package in zip file

4.       Set and updated the environment parameters for JAVA_HOME, PATH, 

I cannot run the following step "ant download" correctly. It complains the 
"includeantruntime" setup, and alerting me with errors for classes as 
BasicDataSource, DelegatingStatement, DelegatingPreparedStatement, and many 
more. The errors say that those classes as not abstract and do not override the 
abstract methods in other sources.

Please tell me how to fix the problem, thank you very much.


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