Hi Vikas,

some details:

I see you're correctly using the getClass.getResource() (I'm using
getServletContext().getResourceAsStream() or
getServletContext().getResource()). But, Why are you creating
resources? You see all the war content in the host OS filesystem
because of unpackWars="true". This is because of performance (I hope)
and if you set this to "false", Tomcat will *read* resources (also
classes and anything else) from the WAR file directly! You are mixing
two things together: one are resources (they are using URL instead of
File) and on the other side Host OS FileSystem (the File objects).

So, you store database connection parameters in the property file. I
see two options to solve your problem:
1. Move the property file outside the resources if you want dynamic
creation. For example: temporary directory, any other directory which
location can be "hard-wired as initial parameter in the web.xml file".
2. Use Tomcat's database pooler. You give more performence (if you're
not using "your own" database connection pooler)!

Please explain what you want to do, what's your goal...

Have a nice day


> Hi All,
> I have a problem here. I have Pproperties file.
> It has the following code:
> File f = new File(propertyFolder);
> if (!f.exists()) f.mkdir();
> f = new File(propertyFolder +
> System.getProperty("file.separator") +
> propertyFileName);
> if (!f.exists())
> {
> String s = ((this.getClass().getResource("/" +
> propertyFileName)).toString());
> File pf = new File(s.substring(6));
> This code creates a folder with the name
> propertiespaydir and file with the name
> pdr.properties. In order to connect to the database i
> have to read the Servername, Database name, Username
> and password from this file or creates a file with the
> name pdr.properties file. But If i rename this
> pdr.properties file to something else then my code
> does not create the file with the name pdr.properties.
> So I cannot connect to the database. So anyone of you
> knows what change should i make into my existing code
> in order for me to create the file with the name
> pdr.properties in case it does not exist. I would
> really be thankful for any help in this matter.
> Thanks,
> With regards,
> Vikas Nagpal.
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Petr Hadraba
graphic artist and software designer
hadrabap AT bluetone DOT cz

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