Thanks Dan, Jeff for sharing so much of infomation.

I will try the below option and share the result.

Try upgrading from 1.6.0_25 to 1.6.0_35.

Thanks & Regards,

On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Jeffrey Janner <
> wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Daniel Mikusa []
>  > Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 2:14 PM
> > To: Tomcat Users List
> > Subject: Re: HTTP NIO connector not supporting IPv6
> >
> > On Sep 12, 2012, at 2:44 PM, Jeffrey Janner wrote:
> >
> > >> -----Original Message-----
> > >> From: Daniel Mikusa []
> > >> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 10:00 AM
> > >> To: Tomcat Users List
> > >> Subject: Re: HTTP NIO connector not supporting IPv6
> > >>
> > >> On Sep 12, 2012, at 1:29 AM, Aditi Sinha wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> Thanks Dan, Jeff.
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> There are no errors in catalina.log file.
> > >>>
> > >>> The connector tags are defined as below in server.xml. This
> > >>> configuration does not support IPv6.
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> <Connector port="8080" protocol="*HTTP/1.1*"
> > >> connectionTimeout="20000"
> > >>> redirectPort="8443" />
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> <Connector port="8443" protocol="*
> > >>> org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol*" SSLEnabled="true"
> > >>> maxThreads="150"
> > >>>
> > >>>     scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false"
> > >> sslProtocol="TLS"
> > >>> keystoreFile="xxxxxx" keystorePass="xxxxxx"/>
> > >>>
> > >>
> > >> Tried it on my MBP (10.7 w/Java 1.6.0_35) and it worked fine.  Tried
> > >> on Windows XP (only version I have available) w/ Java 1.6.0_35 and
> > >> was able to replicate the problem behavior.  According to the
> > >> following bug report this is a limitation of the OS / JVM.  Looks
> > >> like a recent versions of Windows and a recent version of the JVM
> > are
> > >> required to resolve this.
> > >>
> > >> Try upgrading from 1.6.0_25 to 1.6.0_35.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Dan
> > >>
> > > One workaround is to explicitly define the IPv4 and IPv6 addressing
> > in the <connector>.
> > > That is, add address="" for any IPv4 connectors and
> > > address="[::]" for any IPv6 connectors. (Or use your real addresses
> > instead of the "any" addresses listed here.) This means setting up 2
> > sets of connectors for each port/protocol, but there's nothing wrong
> > with being explicit.
> > > This is what I had to do to get the APR protocol to set up for IPv4.
> >
> >
> > With all due respect, I do not think that this is going to work for the
> > poster.  You're saying that your workaround was for an issue with the
> > APR connector, but the poster is using the NIO connector.  The APR
> > connector does not use NIO or the JVM, so I don't think your workaround
> > is relevant.  In fact I tried your workaround previously without
> > success.  The problem is that on older versions of Windows (pre-vista)
> > and older versions of the JVM, the NIO libraries do not support IPv6
> > (see bug report).
> >
> > As a side note, the poster could switch from NIO to the APR connector,
> > and it would likely resolve his problem (just like he reported
> > switching to the BIO connector resolved his problem).  Just assuming
> > that the poster wants to stick with the NIO connector.
> >
> > Dan
> >
> Yes, Dan.  But the OP stated he is using Windows Server 2008, which is the
> server version of "Vista". Since he doesn't say he's on 2008 R2 (which is
> Windows 7 Server), so we'll assume that he's at least at a Vista-level
> networking.
> The bug you mention is specifically about dual-mode socket support, that
> is, being able to specify the port and not the address and having Java set
> up to sockets which listen/talk on both the IPv4 & IPv6 addresses of the
> machine. At least if I read it correctly.  Re-reading it, it might not be
> there for NIO, no matter what you try.  My work-around would specifically
> show whether the support is there or not for IPv6 in NIO, i.e., use it as a
> diagnostic tool, if nothing else.
> But yes, reading the bug, really closely, makes it appear that the support
> for NIO IPv6 was not back-ported to JDK6 until this last July, specifically
> 6u33-b34.  So the OP should probably start up upgrading his Java to
> jdk1.6_34 or later and see if that doesn't fix it first.
> Personally, I prefer the APR to NIO, but mainly because SSL is easier to
> manage under APR. I believe there are some esoteric advantages to using
> NIO, but I'd have to go back to the comparison chart to tell you what they
> are.  The OP may have a specific use case that requires those features.
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