MrVJTod wrote:
In linux/solaris, I can specify
-Xloggc:/my/logs/sourcecode-gc-${NOW}.log And get a logfile named as such /my/logs/sourcecode-gc-1008-0938.log with the last time of startup as past of the log filename

But if I try to do something similar in Windows
-Xloggc:c:\my\logs\sourcecode-gc-${NOW}.log I get a logfile named c:\my\logs\sourcecode-gc-${NOW}.log with the variable text as past of the log filename

Does tomcat on Windows not support variables in the GC filename?
I've tried a dozen different combinations
  $DATE  //    ${%DATE%}  //  $[%DATE%]  //  $(%DATE%)
  ${DATE}  //  $[DATE]  //  $(DATE)  //  $DATE  //  %DATE  //  %NOW%
  `%DATE%`  //  '%DATE%'  //  `cmd /c now /t`  //  'cmd /c now /t'
  %Y  //  %YYYY
and several other iterations
but the logfilename contains the variable that I was hoping would be
replaced with a timestamp.

and I can't seem to find a solid reference for Windows GC log filenames.


1) That's not really a Tomcat question, it's a Java JVM question.
So the question "Does tomcat on Windows not support variables in the GC filename?" is mis-directed. The "-Xloggc" is not a Tomcat parameter, it is a JVM parameter, interpreted by the JVM which runs Tomcat. Get the difference ?

2) Under Linux, where is the "NOW" variable set ? (probably in a Tomcat startup shell script, right ?)

3) How do you start (the JVM which runs) Tomcat under Windows ?
(If it is started as a Windows Service, it doesn't really have a Linux-like shell. It - or rather the "service wrapper" (which runs the JVM which runs Tomcat) - takes its parameters from the Windows Registry, not the command-line. No shell = no shell variables = no "NOW").

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