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On 10/9/12 4:15 PM, Mikel Gonzalez Gainza wrote:
> Is it smart changing from mod_jk to mod_proxy when all other web
> applications run just fine? Is it possible to use both at the same
> time?

Yes, you can use mod_jk and mod_proxy_ajp (or mod_proxy_http)
side-by-side. Just make sure that you map your URLs properly and
you'll be fine.

> I dont think this one is possible since, even though you can
> configure which URLs get redirected with mod_proxy, you'd need
> different connectors in tomcat! Is that even possible?

You can set up as many connectors in Tomcat as you want: it's just
more port numbers. You can even have them all share the same
<Executor> so you have a single thread pool for everything, regardless
of protocol.

> Ideal thing would be to add mod_proxy (without removing mod_jk) so
> my Comet application runs without problem, adding another connector
> for it and, depending on which web application is accessed, use one
> connector or the other. Is that possible? Sorry if these are silly
> questions but I'm not too familiar with this kind of
> configuration.

That should be no problem: just add another <Connector> on another
port and configure mod_proxy to connect to that port.

- -chris
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