On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Caldarale, Charles R <
chuck.caldar...@unisys.com> wrote:

> > From: Howard W. Smith, Jr. [mailto:smithh032...@gmail.com]
> > Subject: Re: Latest-version TomEE 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT (Tomcat 7.0.34?) just
> died on me, nothing in server logs
> > I was hoping to get a response from tomcat committers/users, and I
> > was assuming the same, an Atmosphere issue.
> The other possibility is that TomEE (not supported on this mailing list)
> has set some value to a non-numeric string, whereas a true Tomcat only uses
> numeric values in that location.  Without looking at the Atmosphere code,
> it's really impossible to tell.
Understood about TomEE not supported on this list. Prior to using latest
Atmosphere version (1.0.9) along with latest version of TomEE, I reached
out to Jeanfrancois, and he confirmed that Atmosphere 1.0.10 is targeted
for PrimeFaces Push users (like myself), and from what I understand, 1.0.9
fixed a simple software/typo mistake in 1.0.8, and I'm assuming that 1.0.9
should not be used to replace 1.0.8 by PrimeFaces Push users like myself.

for now, i have reverted to Atmosphere 1.0.6, which was the recommended
(and most applicable/appropriate version), weeks ago, to use with my
PrimeFaces web app. I informed the tomee list that I will monitor this
behavior for the meanwhile, and I'm looking forward to using/testing
Atmosphere 1.0.10 when it is released.

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