I'm having some problems getting the nsapi_redirect.dll working with iPlanet 7.0.15 on solaris 11. The problem seems specifically related to Solaris 11 and only if I try to install/run the server as root (using webservd as the non-privileged user).

When I do so (and after enabling debug jk loglevel) during jk_init I see the following messages in the jk log:

[Mon Feb 18 22:36:25.588 2013] [20669:1] [debug] jk_init::jk_nsapi_plugin.c (337): jk_init, a second passed

repeated a bunch of times

and in the iPlanet error log the following:
[18/Feb/2013:22:37:24] failure (20669): CORE2254: Error running Init function jk_init

Looking at the code:
            s = systhread_start(SYSTHREAD_DEFAULT_PRIORITY,
0, init_workers_on_other_threads, init_map);
            for (sleep_cnt = 0; sleep_cnt < 60; sleep_cnt++) {
                jk_log(logger, JK_LOG_DEBUG, "jk_init, a second passed");
                if (init_on_other_thread_is_done) {

I can find no evidence in the jklog that the init_workers_on_other_threads thread actually started properly.

Here's the cute thing. It only happens on Solaris 11 with the server run as root, and configured to run as a non-privileged user (any non-privileged user has this issue)

If I execute startserv as the non-privileged user rather than root or do this on Solaris 10, no problems.

Any ideas why systhread_start (this is an iPlanet NSAPI function) would fail here as root?


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