Problem solved!!

Ah finally :) I did as you suggested below and it didn't help, but then I 
looked a bit on the registry values. I found that the "ImagePath" key looked a 
bit strange. It contained the following value:

"C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\bin\Tomcat7.exe" 

I tried to replace it with:

"C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\bin\Tomcat7.exe" 

And voliá the service would start.

I have no idea where the "ogs\commons-daemon.2013-02-27.log" comes from, but it 
must be something the installer added, and for some reason the service won't 
start using this value?

Thanks for all the help,

Den 27/02/2013 kl. 14.20 skrev André Warnier <>:

> Rune Stilling wrote:
>> Is there some registry key I could check related to the installation process?
> Call up the Registry Editor, and search for "tomcat7".
> You should find essentially 2 places :
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tomcat7
> (under this one, you will find the parameters which Windows needs to know 
> about the service (such as, how to start it) ("it" being "tomcat7.exe")
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\....
> (under this one, you will find the parameters which "tomcat7.exe" (the 
> "service wrapper") needs to know (such as, which JVM to start and with which 
> parameters)
> (and remember, tomcat7.exe is a renamed "prunsrv.exe", which is one of the 2 
> modules that are part of "procrun").
> ------------------
> Let's step back a bit.
> 1) you install Tomcat on the machine, using the "Windows installer" package 
> from
> 2) this installer creates the Registry value :
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tomcat7\ImagePath = 
> "C:\apache-tomcat-xxxx\bin\tomcat7.exe //RS//Tomcat7"
> (or similar)
> This Registry value is the one that will be used by the Windows Service 
> Manager, to know which program to launch when you click on "Services.. 
> Tomcat7...start".
> 3) when you login as a user onto the machine, open a command window, and run 
> the above command ("C:\apache-tomcat-xxxx\bin\tomcat7.exe //RS//Tomcat7"), 
> the tomcat7.exe program runs, and starts a JVM which starts Tomcat, as a 
> Service.
> And that works fine, tomcat logs are produced etc.
> 4) when instead, you open the Windows Service Manager dialog, and ask Windows 
> to start the Tomcat service, nothing happens.
> (Tomcat does not start, tomcat7.exe does not run, no logs are produced etc.)
> So the intuitive conclusions would be :
> - there is nothing wrong with Tomcat per se.  Otherwise, it would not run, no 
> matter how it is started.  There is also nothing wrong with the JVM, for the 
> same reasons.
> - there is nothing wrong with the Registry parameters of "tomcat7.exe" (the 
> ones found under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation").  
> Otherwise, in case (3) above, tomcat7.exe would not be able to start the JVM 
> etc..
> So there must be something wrong with the parameters used by the Windows 
> Service Manager when it tries to start the Tomcat service. (The ones under 
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tomcat7\)
> What that would be, I couldn't say, and certainly not without access to your 
> Registry.
> But what I would do at this stage is this :
> 1) de-install Tomcat again (do not delete the installer.exe file that you 
> downloaded, you'll need it again)
> 2) using the Registry Editor (carefully), go to the key 
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tomcat7\, and delete it 
> (and everything under it).
> 3) reboot Windows, and with the Registry Editor, verify that the key is still 
> deleted
> (I am saying that because who knows what MS will have invented yet to 
> re-instate things that you deleted..)
> 4) re-install the Tomcat service by re-running the installer
> 5) try again to start Tomcat
> and tell us what happens.
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