--- Eric Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When I re-deploy my war file in Tomcat 5.5.16, it
> fails because the
> listener can't start. And when I look at the context
> directory contents
> all the folders are there but not the files. Anyone
> know why?
> Eric
I have never had any luck with re-deploy in Tomcat
except for accessing the folder where the web
applications reside and overwriting the war file and
allowing Tomcat to redeploy the file itself.  I've
used FTP on Unix and Windows Shares on Windows for
this and it has worked well.

Someone else might be able to help you more.  I know
you should be able to write a servlet to re-deploy
your web applications.  You should be able to send a
servlet a file, it open up the associated war file for
overwriting it (not appending), keep a non-shared lock
on the file when writing, and completely overwrite the
file contents with the new files bytes.


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